Mejores salarios como cláusula social en la fase de adjudicación de un contrato público: ¿misión imposible?Comentario a la Resolución 1672/2023, de 28 de diciembre, del Tribunal Administrativo Central de Recursos Contractuales
Universidad de León
ISSN: 2792-8314, 2792-8322
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 480
Pages: 200-207
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF
Unfeasibility of comparison in the performance of the contract, lack of linkage to the object submitted for tender, discrimination, loss of efficiency and control of public expenditure and, even, behaviour contrary to the freedom to conduct a business. There are too many obstacles to the introduction, in the tender documents of a public procurement, of a clause aimed at favouring companies that pay better wages to their employees. Will this idea, which is so well established among contracting authorities, be viable in the future?