Aplicación del conocimiento neurocientifico a un modelo sistémico de entrenamiento en balonmano. Una aproximación metodológica
- Diego Soto García 1
- Juan Francisco Oliver Coronado 2
Universidad de León
Universidad de Sevilla
ISSN: 1885-7019
Ano de publicación: 2022
Volume: 18
Número: 3
Páxinas: 201-210
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: E-Balonmano.com: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte
Handball is more than execution. Perception and decision making make it a complex sport. It is the coach's responsibility to propose training sessions under complex conditions as close as possible to match conditions and to design them under these circumstances. Concentration or executive attention allows players to focus their perception internally or externally. A player in training or an expert player does not do it in the same way. It is convenient to keep in mind the two modes of thinking: system 1 or "automatic system" and system 2 or "effortful system". Also, for the development of young handball players, the duality between "quantity" and "quality" of information must be present. In addition, the variability and unpredictability of actions increase experience and facilitate decision making. Error and self-control complete, enrich and dynamise the player's decision-making process and are elements that the coach must regulate. The work ends with a proposal for the construction of training exercises, showing the basic elements in the design of tasks, with their temporal, spatial and group variants and emphasising the tools of self-control and error.
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