Sinonimia intramodal e intermodal de los significados gramaticales, denotativos y connotativos, de las formas temporales del verbo en las lenguas española y rusaestudio teórico de las relaciones sinonímicas entre los significados gramaticales del verbo español y del ruso, propuesta de clasificación y aplicación a la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua a los hablantes nativos de ruso

  1. Raytarovskiy, Victor Vladímirovich
Dirigée par:
  1. Francisco Javier Grande Alija Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de León

Fecha de defensa: 18 décembre 2020

  1. Mercedes Rueda Rueda President
  2. Mario de la Fuente García Secrétaire
  3. Natividad Hernández Muñoz Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


This study is dedicated to Spanish students, native Russian speakers. The main goal of this study is to show that the types of verbal synonymy, which work in modern Spanish and Russian The author examines the verbal synonymy in the Spanish and Russian languages based on the analysis of the grammatical meanings of temporal forms to determine the correlation between their semantic fields in the syntagmatic and to establish the degree of their synonymic relations. Verbal synonymy is investigated at the level of semantic, denotative and connotative convergence of temporal verbal structures in the plane of intramodal and intermodal relations. In addition, the author attempts to classify the types of verbal grammatical synonymy in Spanish and Russian. In the investigation, the verbal system of the Spanish language has been subjected to a systemic analysis based first on the corresponding achievements of Spanish, Latin American and Russian scientists. The author of this thesis, for the first time in Russian Hispanism, has elaborated the criteria of intramodal and intermodal verbal synonymy based on the denotation and connotation of the temporal forms of the verb in the Spanish and Russian languages. This work can be useful, from a theoretical point of view, for those who study the Spanish language and other Indo-European languages genetically related to each other, and above all, from a practical point of view, for native speakers of Russian.