Incidence of injuries in competition of Leonese wrestling and associated factors (2005–2015)

  1. Vicente Martín
  2. María J. Blasco
  3. Martí Casals
  4. Tania Fernández Villa
  5. Antonio José Molina de la Torre
  6. Francisco V. Martínez
  7. Arturo Martín
  8. Klaus Langohr
  9. Carlos Ayán Pérez
Apunts: Medicina de l'esport

ISSN: 1886-6581 0213-3717

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Ausgabe: 53

Nummer: 199

Seiten: 105-112

Art: Artikel


Andere Publikationen in: Apunts: Medicina de l'esport


Introduction. Traditional wrestling is considered a cultural heritage of humanity and it should be protected. The study of injuries and their associated factors can be useful to protect this heritage. The present study has as its aim an analysis of the incidence of injuries and the associated factors in competition of a traditional wrestling modality, “Leonese wrestling” (LW). Material and methods.Observational, prospective cohort study that collected injuries during the summer seasons from 2005 through 2015. Incidence rates of injuries were calculated by 1000 athlete exposures (AEs) and as a function of age at initiation in LW, mid-season age, regularity or those who participated in the competitions of each season, winner type, and weight category. At the multivariate level, a generalized linear mixed model was used assuming the frequency of the injuries followed a Poisson distribution. Results. A total of 308 wrestlers and 406 injuries were reported in 31,970 AEs. The incidence of injuries per 1000 AES was 3.0 (serious), 6.7 (moderate and serious) and 12.7 (total injuries registered). Higher incidence was observed among those who: were no regulars (IRR=1.076; CI: 0.846–1.368), were considered non-winner type and started as teenager vs child (IRR=1.115; CI: 0.856–1.452). Non-winner type wrestlers were at much higher risk of injuries in the semi heavy and heavy weight categories.Conclusions. The incidence of injuries in LW is consistent with that incidence expected in combat sports. Showing a low regularity, having started late in their practice, showing a non-winning profile and competing in the heavy weight category are injury risk factors for LW wrestlers.

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