Soborno de los gobernantesanálisis comparativo del delito de cohecho pasivo en Derecho penal español, francés y malgache
- Andriamampianina, Nirina Henri
- Eduardo Ángel Fabián Caparrós Director
Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca
Fecha de defensa: 29 July 2013
- Miguel Díaz García Conlledo Chair
- Mario Hernández Ramos Secretary
- Nieves Sanz Mulas Committee member
- Luigi Foffani Committee member
- Isidoro Blanco Cordero Committee member
Type: Thesis
This study takes the phenomenon of the corruption as a base. The study on this topic must be updated permanently if what is claimed is to fight against him. The social sciences have contributed significant contributions in his multiple facets but one does not manage to agree between them on a universal definition. The juridical sciences do not do any more that to isolate any acts considered like corrupt for the legislator. Though the juridical approximation must be harmonizada for the international agreements, it suits to emphasize that the national legislators prove to be more reticent when it is a question of Criminal law. Therefore, the comparative analysis between the juridical classifications allows to value unnoticed aspects for another type of method.